Monday, July 8, 2019

Let Me Introduce Myself

I've been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now ... and never quite got around to it but time is a finite quantity and it only moves in one direction regardless what all those great SF novels try to tell you, so there's no time line the present to get started.

What to tell you?  I'm a retired civil servant, a voracious reader, a dedicated fan of "good" music, from sound tracks and Broadway scores to hard rock, but my particular passion is those great bands from the '70s and '80s; back when music meant something and our parents hated everything we listened to.  I'll probably tell you about the concerts, and the movies I go to and, from time to time, about the best of the books I read.  There are lots of those, because Goodreads tells me I've read more than 150 books already this year.

I'll probably eventually get around to talking about the world I live in; the one that sometimes seems to be on a greased chute to Hell, but still has plenty of magic in it and it's share of moments that can take your breath away from sheer pleasure, and not from the utter terror at the insanity that often seems to reign.

Tonight, I'm not going to tell you much more than this.  Why spill it all in a single post, after all.  Instead, I'll wish you peace and love and a little magic in your life every day.

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